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Selectmen's Minutes 5/23/06
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, May 23, 2006 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Chairman; Theresa McNulty, Clerk; David L. Walsh
            George Samia, Town Administrator
            Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
            Finance Committee members: Albert Mondeau, Jeff Luttazi
Mr. Walsh noted that Mr. Hamilton was attending the ceremony for the High school cheerleaders, who recently won the state championship.
It was noted that Mrs. McNulty would act as Chairman until Mr. Hamilton arrived.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the may 16, 2006 meeting
Mr. Hamilton arrived at 7:41 p.m.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to close the warrant and approve all articles submitted for the June 12, 2006 Special Town Meeting Warrant.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the reactivation of the Recreation Commission.
Mrs. McNulty explained that after discussion with the DPW Director, Park Commissioners and others, that it was decided that this would bring more opportunities for residents to be involved in community activities. Interested residents may send letters of interest to the Board of Selectmen; would be a seven member committee; Selectmen will interview interested residents.
Mr. Walsh stated that this was a great opportunity for coordinating of activities and to stimulate interest in activities within the community.
Mrs. McNulty noted that they also hoped to have liaisons from various community groups to meet with the committee.
Budget Presentation
John Haines presented the budget for the newly formed DPW. Noted that this was the first budget for the DPW and thanked Mr. Samia for the assistance in formulating a budget.
Mr. Haines explained the division of departments within the DPW, i.e. Water, Highway/Tree/Park, Recycling/Trash Disposal; explained reasons for divisions. Explained the breakdown of salaries, positions within DPW i.e. supervisors, foremen; looking into a Fleet maintenance Department, which will work on all town vehicles.
Mr. Haines discussed the Trash/Recycling Program; noted that he feels that a satisfactory contract has been negotiated with Allied Waste Management/BFI. Explained program in detail, including new costs for bags and stickers, bulky items with sticker, white goods, computers, refrigerators, etc. pickup with sticker, yard waste pickup 4 times per year, weekly recycling pickup.
A discussion was held regarding new prices for bags and stickers. Mr. Haines noted that as of July 1 residents will not longer be able to place a sticker on a black bag; stickers will be for bulky items only; hauler will not pick up any trash in anything but yellow town bags. Noted that through a grant, he will be sending out a mailer to all households in town regarding information on new program. Will be mailed in June.
Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                May 23, 2006
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the contract with Allied Waste/BFI and to set the following prices effective immediately:
            Large yellow trash bags - $2.50 each
            Small yellow trash bags - $1.50 each
            Bulky Items sticker - $5.00 each
            White/electronic goods sticker - $15.00 each
Budget Presentation
Peter Spagone, Chairman of the Board of Health and Susan Malloy, Adm. Assistant met with the Board and went over the Health Department budget for FY07.
Explained changes in budget; new part-time position, 18 hours, for an inspector/office person, will work on food inspections and keep office open by working hours Mrs. Malloy is not in office; job has been posted and published in Enterprise.
Discussed the monitoring done at the Bridge Street Landfill and cost associated with the landfill.
Mr. Spagone introduced Eric Averill, who has offered his services to set up a protocol for a pandemic situation within the Town. Noted that with concerns regarding the bird flu, the Board of Health needs to take a pro-active stance and be ready for any such emergency.
Eric Averill explained to the Board that he is a veterinarian and was concerned with the possibility of a pandemic situation within the town and what if any plans were in place. Explained information he is gathering and how plan would be put together.
Mr. Walsh noted preparations, which area hospitals have already put in place.
Board thanked the Board of Health and Mr. Averill for being pro-active and for their work to put together a plan for the town and its residents.
Town Administrator Report
            Met with Finance Committee on Monday evening; budget in final stage
Bridge Street Recycling Center open Saturday, May 27
Hydrant Flushing Schedule
Seminar at COA office re: Caregiving 101, Wednesday, May 24
Memorial Day, May 29 – Gordon M. Craig Bridge dedication at 8 a.m.
        Memorial Day Exercises at 10 a.m. on Town Common
         Chicken Barbeque at Commercial Club at noon
Mr. Hamilton announced that the Board has hired a new Interim Treasurer/Collector, who will be introduced at next week’s meeting. Announced that Lynn Lundberg has been hired as new Treasurer/Collector Administrative Coordinator and Assistant Collector and will be appointed Assistant Treasurer in July.
Board of Selectmen                                             -3-                                            May 23, 2006
OCPC Annual Meeting –
Plymouth County Advisory Board meeting – Mr. Hamilton will attend
Brownfield Grant – Mrs. McNulty has been in contact with Ensol, who will be doing site work; state has notified town that work must be completed by June 30. Will be asking for an extension to complete report; site work will be completed by June 30, but there is need for additional time to complete report.
Open Forum
No one was present
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations and pending litigation and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – Walsh, McNulty, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
            Board of Selectmen